After Cosmetic Dental Reconstruction

It will take several days for you to get accustomed to your new bite. Anytime the bite or position of anything inside your mouth is altered, the brain needs to recognize this new position before it feels ‘normal’ again. This process takes several days. Extreme and mild sensitivity to hot or cold food/drinks is also not uncommon. Some of your tooth structure was removed, and this layer is not familiar to you and will also take several days for you to adjust to. Some more side effects include altered speech and increased saliva. This is another common abnormality and will take a couple of days to readjust back to normal. 

Remember to brush your teeth and floss daily for your new dental work.

Keep in mind that your new dental work is not indestructible. Anything that could damage your natural teeth is capable of damaging your new teeth. If you play sports, let us know ahead of time so we can make a customer mouthguard. If you grind your teeth, utilize the mouth guard we have provided you.

After Crown and Bridge Appointments 

The average dental crowns and dental bridge service take up to three appointments to complete. On your first visit, the teeth are prepared for crowns. Molds are taken of the mouth. In the meantime, temporary crowns or bridges are inserted to protect the teeth and any exposed wounds. During these appointments, local anesthesia will be applied to the area of your mouth we are working on. Please be cautious with the temperature of your beverages and food until the local anesthesia has completely worn off.

While you are between appointments and have a temporary crown or bridges and in the event that it comes off, please call our office at 440-461-5482 as soon as possible so we can reinsert the crown correctly. This is crucial in ensuring that your teeth do not move before your final crowns or bridges can be installed. Avoid sticky and hard food with the temporary in place. Brush cautiously and floss side to side and be careful not to pull up on the floss to potentially remove the temporary crowns.

After Tooth Extraction

When a tooth is extracted, a blood clot must form at the open wound to stop the blood from flowing out. We will ask you to bite on gauze for 30-45 minutes or until the bleeding stops to ensure this blood clot forms. In the healing time (72 hours), we recommend not using a straw, sucking on anything, drinking alcohol, or brushing teeth near the extraction. For up to 48 hours, we recommend using ice packs to reduce swelling. Resume your normal dental routine after 24 hours, brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day.

After Composite/White Fillings

After composite/white fillings, local anesthesia was used so the region around your mouth may be numb for several hours. Please be cautious with the temperature of your beverages and food until the local anesthesia has completely worn off. If pressure sensitivity continues or you are extremely sensitive to hot or cold food/drinks, call our office at 440-461-5482.