Mayfield Smiles Introduces Innovative 3D X-Ray and Imaging Machine

The Mayfield Smiles team recently underwent training to master their use of the office’s new Planmeca ProMax® 3D Plus, a 3D Panoramic/CBCT unit. This device, which takes several kinds of dental X-rays, allows our staff to take three-dimensional full mouth and single tooth images.

Adding this machine to the office means we can more precisely diagnose our patients, see their existing conditions, and effectively predict future problems with their teeth.  It provides maximum comfort for our patients with minimal effort for our team - a win-win situation allowing for seamless appointments!  

The machine also uses the pioneering Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol, which allows our staff to capture CBCT images with an even lower dose of patient radiation than panoramic images. We appreciate this feature since our goal is always to keep our patients safe, protected, and comfortable. 

“Compared to the other dental practices I’ve visited, Mayfield Smiles has some of the latest technology,” shared Dental Assistant Katie Cook. “We also have a digital scanner which allows us to take impressions digitally and send them directly to the lab.”

We continually strive to provide the best possible care for our patients, and we are very excited to use our new 3D Panoramic/CBCT unit.

Curious about our other dental technology? Read more about our innovations and equipment here.


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