Recognizing the Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Oral examination with mirror

Oral cancer is a serious health condition that occurs when there is an abnormal growth of cells in the mouth and oral cavity. Early detection and awareness are crucial in successfully treating this disease, which is why the Mayfield Smiles dental staff is well-trained in looking for signs and symptoms of oral cancer during all routine appointments. 

But there are preventative measures that you can take on your own, as well,  especially if you fall into one of these higher-risk groups: 

  • Individuals who are 40 and older. The risk of oral cancer increases with age.

  • Tobacco and Alcohol Users. Individuals who smoke or use smokeless tobacco, as well as heavy drinkers, face a significantly higher risk.

  • HPV Infection. People with HPV infections, particularly those with high-risk strains like HPV-16 and HPV-18, are at an increased risk of developing oral cancer.

  • Family History. Genetics can play a part. Individuals with a family history of oral cancer are at a higher risk.


Here are some steps you can take if you are in a high-risk group or notice changes in your mouth:

  1. Check your mouth every day for abnormalities. Ninety percent of cancers present on the lateral border, or the inside of your cheeks, and the floor of the mouth, so be sure to look there for spots that are a different color, size, or texture. These areas can be smooth, lumpy, or indurated, meaning they are thicker and harder than normal. 

  2. Look for changes in size. If you find a lump and notice that it is changing in size, this may be an indication of cancerous cells, so schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. To help you keep track of potential growth or changes, try to take a picture of the area every week. 

  3. Try not to self-diagnose. While it’s important to be observant of changes in your mouth, not every bump or lump is caused by cancer. It could be caused by a lot of different things, including birth defects, new medications, or hormones from pregnancy, puberty or menopause. Take note of any changes in your diet or medications.

Understanding the causes and recognizing the symptoms of oral cancer are key steps in promoting early detection and effective treatment. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, including tobacco and alcohol cessation, practicing good oral hygiene, and regular dental check-ups, you can significantly reduce the risk of oral cancer and improve overall oral health. Remember, early detection saves lives, so stay vigilant and call Mayfield Smiles if you experience any persistent oral symptoms or abnormal irritation. 


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